All –
Unfortunately the year has not started off well as it relates to Match Protocols.
The proceedures, responsibility and timing requirements for confirming all matches (friendly and league) are posted on the website under “Referee Corner” and must be adheared to by all parties. Confirming matches is vital and is a shared responsibility for all parties (Club & Referee)
We understand that there is always turnover in club officers and various related roles (match secretary) but this is the lifeline of doing business within the Union and these policies need to be communicated down the line.
We have had almost a dozen games go uncovered for various reasons. Games are being cancelled, rescheduled to new times, moved to alternate locations, etc. When these changes are done they must be correctly posted on the TRU master calendar and must be done with the knowledge and consent of the respective clubs, referee scheduler and assigned referee.
Teams showing up with no referee and referee’s showing up with no teams is a waste of time, effort and money for all.
Alan Sharpley has gone in and cleaned up the existing fixtures and is using an formating of “X @ Y”. Thus we are listing “Visting Team @ Home Team”. Please besure to adapt this same formatting to ensure that we are all using the same standard across the Union.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and diligence in this matter.
TRU Board
TRRA Major Sponsor: Ruck Science