Managing Foul Play, Tacklees (Ball carriers), Signals & Sealing from Ed Todd [VIDEO]

TRRA Continuing Education for Referees

Here is another video from the team of National Panel Referees for review. This video covers a few topics but focuses on these areaswide spectrum but reiterates the management at the Tackle & Ruck. It also touches on the “clear and obvious” calls, Foul Play, Obstruction and Scrum Wheeling.

  • Foul Play – As referees we all need to working on stamping this out, be on the watch for high, no wrap tackles or other dangerous play.
  • Managing the Tackle – Ball carriers need to get AWAY once the tackle is made and not slow the ball down.
    • Also monitor arriving players, are they coming through the gate and staying on their feet?
  • Signals – Focus on being quick, crisp and concise! Whistle, primary signal and then secondary signal.
  • Sealing – If hips are below the head, this is bad!

2012 – MAR – VIDEO FOUR – NOTES from Ed Todd on Vimeo.

The TRRA has also posted these updates concerning these topics: