TRRA Promotions Spring 2015

TRRA & TRU Members,

trra_logoOn behalf of the TRRA and the Referee Advancement & Training Organization (RATO), it is my pleasure to announce the first round of promotions for 2015.

TRRA would like to thank all the referees, mentors, coaches, and teams for their commitment to improving the game of rugby. Please join us in recognizing the hard work of the following referees who have been promoted:

C2 to C1

Butch Neuenschwander

Butch has recently moved swiftly through the referee ranks as he has rededicated himself physically and mentally. Butch brought on a personal trainer and nutritionist. It clearly paid off as he ran the highest beep test (13.1) of all the referees this year! He capped off a great season officiating the RRRC Men’s Club Rugby D3 Championship Match. Please join us in congratulating Butch.

Tim O’Gara

Tim completed the Level 200 Referee Certification with flying colors and clearly this course was a great stepping stone for him. Also, Tim was very persistent about requesting film from teams and providing that to his Mentor & RATO for development. As a result he whistled four Division 1 Men’s Club matches this spring with great proficiency. Please join us in congratulating Tim.

C3 to C2

Joey Swatzell
Donnie Hennop

RATO hosted a very successful Level 2 referee certification course in December 2014 and a Level 1 in April. The Level 1 was the largest the TRRA has ever hosted with 17 total attendees from Middle School, College, Club, and Retired ages. This course also presented a new format instead of the traditional classroom setting. Participants ran AR and shadow center refereed at a college tournament as part of the course. This hands on experience was reported as the best part of the course. We saw a wide spectrum of rugby enthusiasts that all want to give back to the game by picking up the whistle. Please welcome the newest additions to the TRRA team:

Newly Certified:

Karl Tolar
Chong Shin
Blair McClure
Robert McClure
Roderick Palmer
Reginald Joseph
Zachary Meyers
Chris Madonna
Brett Stremme
Isaac Hughen
Ryan Walsh
Shon Husband
Christopher Campbell
Kelly Hodge
Steven Rodriquez
Maurice Mullaly
Joel Cortright

The TRRA is excited to have so many new referees and current referees working towards the next level. We appreciate everyone’s dedication and hard work to themselves and to the success of the TRRA.

Thank you for your hard work and dedication to improving the Texas Rugby Union and the Texas Rugby Referee Association.

Traci Schmidtke Young
TRRA Chairman