Season Reminders!

A few reminders as we have a ton of new referees this year!

How do I get paid?
Submit a Match Report

How much will I get paid?
Match Reimbursement Policy

How do I submit a Disciplinary Report?
Submit a Disciplinary Report

How do I get paid for a tournament?
The referee manager of the tournament will collect your mileage and other information and submit a tournament worksheet. DON’T submit a match fee for tournaments!

What about Kit?
We are working with a new vendor and once we establish that relationship we will let everyone know. In the meantime please wear other TRRA kit or a best effort if you are new. If you’re working a tournament and have kit, please bring extra so we can share!

Beginning in January, 2016 the TRRA will have a major sponsor for all the rugby referees in Texas. We’re delighted to be partnering with Ruck Science, a nutritional startup based out of Austin and run by one of the Austin Blacks. For all things nutrition and rugby, please contact the Ruck Science team on Twitter @RuckScience or on their website