Texas Rugby Referees Association and Fifteen have today announced there exciting new partnership.
Fifteen and the Texas Rugby Referees Association are excited to announce their new partnership for 2016 and beyond.
In 2015, Fifteen worked closely with the TRRA in a re-branding project for 2016 that represents the Texas pride as well as the style and performance that a referee needs on a day to day basis. With the release of their new official logo, slogan and hash tag, Fifteen is excited to create a look for the referees in Texas that they can be proud of. Beginning 2016, there will be a complete line of Fifteen game day and training apparel available for purchase directly from www.fifteenbrand.com. This has also been extended other items like assistant referee tees for those that certify and wish to begin refereeing immediately.
Fifteen’s design team worked closely with the TRRA to produce a quality line that is made to performance, but also affordable for all to purchase. TRRA President Butch Neuenschwander had this to say on this strategic partnership.
The TRRA is extremely happy to have partnered with Darren Scott and Fifteen Brand, a local Texas business . This new partnership ensures that the TRRA can provide its referees with quality game day and training apparel. Modernizing the game day kit, updating the official TRRA logo and introducing the new “Become a Referee” program brings new life and purpose to the association and is an important piece of the puzzle to attract a younger demographic to the wonderful world of officiating.
Fifteen’s Commercial Partnership Manager Darren Scott is confident that referees throughout Texas will not only enjoy the look and feel of the new apparel, but also enjoy the easy access with Fifteen being based in Frisco, TX.
Being a brand that is newly located here in Texas, we have tried to increase our footprint in the rugby market. Forming a partnership with the referees in the TRRA not only allows us to help the TRRA with their visions for success but also ours. I personally look forward to watching games on a Saturday and seeing the match officials proudly showcasing the new TRRA branding and using us as a vehicle to do so.
The entire Texas Rugby Referee line will be available for purchase after January 18th, 2016.