Resources and links for active referees in the Texas Rugby Referee Association.

Law Tests

There are many things a referee can control about their progression as a referee, and one of those is Law knowledge. To officiate the game, you must know the laws. 

Law knowledge comes from reading and rereading of the Law Book, discussing with referees and referee coaches, seeing it happen on the pitch, and running through hypothetical situations.

The TRRA strives to make this easier and more accessible to our referees by creating Law Tests made available online and from our Facebook page.

As law tests are made available, the TRRA Board will be observing who does and does not complete the exams. This information may be used in the decision of assignments and promotions.


Questions & Answers Key

Rugby games can’t happen without referees.
Join the TRRA today and give back to the sport of rugby with a whistle.