TRRA COG/AGM Summary @ Dallas Jesuit Prep 07/28/12

For those that weren’t able to attend the 2012 Conference on the Game or TRRA AGM, please review the below summary.

Welcome by Jim Wolfinger and Traci Schmidtke ~20 participants

Law Quiz
Started with a 20 questions law quiz & review. Take a similar quiz at the IRB Laws website.

Field Positioning and other Key Points
We went out to the field and went over positioning with Ed Todd and Paddy Mac.

Key Points



Kick Off Positioning Near the kicker & in the best position to see the field, observe receivers, observe kicking team & the drop kick. Same, but be aware that you are always facing/running North & South in 7s. Recommended that you get a running start as the next play will often happen very quickly.
  1. Once you blow your whistle, maintain eye contact with players & face the players; never turn your back.
  2. Once the teams have gathered for the scrum, focus on the gap between the front rows, initial binding, check alignment of front row players. May also re-inforce pre-brief with SHs (straight feed & maintain space). Recommended positioning is on the side where the ball is being put in. Unless there are issues there is no need to stand on the other side. Also check your back lines to ensure they are 5m.
  3. Once you & the teams are ready, begin the scrum cadence. Every word you say is a command & must be completed before the next. I.E. Let them complete the “crouch” or “touch” before moving on to the next command.
  4. After engagement. step back a bit so you can see the feed, scrum (flankers) & backlines. Positioning at this point is fluid as you follow the SHs, continue monitoring flankers & backline.
Very similar, less people so its easier to manage. Some other points to consider:

  1. Props cannot bind on each other, they must bind to the hooker.
  2. The ball usually comes out much quicker, so the emphasis is on field positioning. Thinking ahead to where the ball is going to go next. This may mean that you stay on the “open side” of the scrum (where there is more space).
Line outs
  1. Set & manage the gap. Make sure everyone is 5m and within the 15m.
  2. If needed, manage your receivers and defending hooker.NOTE: a lineout is not formed until two people from BOTH teams arrive.
  3. Positioning at the lineout can be 4 different places. Typically at the front and back of the lineout. If you do move to the back of the lineout, be fluid & don’t turn your back.
Very similar but commonly the lineout is monitored best from the back. Just like scrums this set piece will be quick & you need to be thinking about the next play.
Tackle/Ruck Situation Positioning for tackle/ruck is very fluid & can constantly change. Recommended that you position yourself where you can best see the ball, players & arriving players. Typically you want to face the defense so you can manage all the players.NOTE: Ed/Paddy weighed in on the Anchor or Sealing of the ball. Make sure to watch time 105:12. The final decision was to manage the player that didn’t roll away. This also coincides with the 2012 Game Management Guidelines. Same, but the breakdown in 7s is very critical. You must be at every breakdown to manage it. There is a lower tolerance for tackle & ruck infractions.Recommended positioning is on the side of the offense & facing the defense.

Fieldwork Video
Watch the T5 ½ video here. This is a private video, please email to get the password to watch.

T5 ½ Video Presentation
Craig presented on the importance of video and the resources we have here in Texas. Review the presentation here.

RATO Presentation
Traci presented on the Referee Advancement & Training Organization (RATO). View the presentation here.

Referee Zone Presentation by Mike Geach
Zone Academy Plan Eligibility Criteria

USA Rugby Pathways
Ed Todd and Paddy Mac discussed the USA Pathways for 7s and 15s referees. View the USA Rugby Pathways here.

RATO Pathways
RATO has created its own pathways document (based on the above document) and it is viewable on the website and/or here. This is the document the TRRA will use for referee standards and promotions.

Harry Laws Presentation: “How to never want for referees”
View Harry’s presentation here.

Law 19: Touch
Sam Reagle presented on the ball going into touch.

TRRA AGM Minutes
View the TRRA AGM Minutes here.

If you have questions about the COG or the TRRA AGM, please contact the Vice Chair, Traci Schmidtke.