As we ring in the new year and another rugby season, it’s time for fitness testing! As a reminder fitness standards were implemented last season. RATO feels that this allows for a more realistic pathway and holds the referee accountable for their development and fitness.
As a reference the TRRA Fitness standards were based on the current USA Rugby Fitness Standards [Beep Test]:
National Panel: Level 12
B Panel refs wanting to be considered for USA National Appts: Level 11
C1′s wanting to be considered for national appointments/B Panel: Level 10
TRRA Fitness Standards [Beep Test]:
C1s wishing to pursue USA B Panel – Achieve a minimum of Level 10
C1 – Level 9
C2 – Level 8
C3 – Level 7
NOTE: The recommended version of the beep test is the “Beep Test Trainer” and it can be downloaded from iTunes here.
If a referee chooses not to take a fitness test (i.e. comply with a requirement for refereeing) then they may only receive matches well within their scope of experience related to their grade. They would also not be afforded any further opportunities for advancement/promotion and unavailable for exchanges.
Should you be looking for a performance boost during the fitness testing, nutrition for rugby referees is available from which includes a range of products that can help increase the levels of Nitric Oxide in your bloodstream. Elevated NO levels are crucial for endurance athletes and have been shown to provide short-term benefits as well for high-intensity sports like rugby.
Fall testing is due by October 15th, once completed send your results to
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the TRRA Chair or TRRA Vice Chair with any questions.